Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

I have never really thought much about labor day. I knew it meant something about the workers of America; Well let me fill you in....Labor Day was first celebrated on Sept.5th 1882 in New York City . It has always been a celebration of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. This is a yearly tribute to the prosperity and well being of America.....................................................So now you know......But it seems like a Sunday to me.......Becky and I chatted this morning and we laughed a lot alot during our conversation. We also like to recall old -fashioned language....'Appalachian English'.........or. just old timey talk in our neck of the woods. The word roashin ears[roasting ears] was cooked corn........The word dreckly {directly], and the word pimeblank[point blank], and flashy[fleshy] meaning you're fat. All of these..words are words I heard as a child. You are looking so 'poor' meant you are skinney, also 'You look like a bean pole .....They said that to so much I am now proud I am flashy[I mean a little fat. ] We tend to run our words together as' It's time to eat..Time teat. Come on back [moneback]..A mess of green beans instead of a big serving. Also we learned to call the last meal of the day 'supper'.....I'll give you more later. I have to go outside to the outhouse....and go hockey[poop]......Oh sorry I really have to go#one [pee pee]. Forbid we would say the word 'PISS..Wait...that word looks too big...piss. Also if a woman was pregnant. She was 'that way and and I'll shut up or 'be silent' and catch you later....Happy Labor Day....


Irene said...
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Crystal said...

Howdy! At's just about tha funniest thang I ever did read. I reckon I laffed so hard it made my lags weak.

I'm fixen on makin a big supper directly. I's got ta go to the market an get me a mess of green beans and a big ole' sack a tators. You aught come over year an sit a spell.

At yeller dawg hooped and hollered all dang night long. I hollered for it to be silum but hit just a kept a yackin. hit's juss tha littlest thang aint it? purdy as a possum. i luv at dawg.

at youngin a mine is sick again. i reckon i have to fetch up our thangs and take him to see the doctor. i hope hit dont got pnemoniaey fever.

I will sign off a here for now then. Pick up that dang teleyfone an gimmie a rang soon.

Luv ye,

Gina said...

Hi Mom!! That was hilarious! Saying the word "pee pee" Is just emabarrassing to me.