Monday, September 15, 2008

I Changed my room around

I am giving my big fish tank, the one Crystal had because Gina can use it. She also needs the table that my t.v. is sittingon so I will have her to give me her small entertainment center to put my t.v. on and she can have my table and fish bowland I moved my bar, it is for novelty only, to the other family room. Now if I can get my better half to agree with me he will book it downtown to Gina's house to take these things to her and get the entertainment center for me. I think I have made a good choice and I love changing the room around, so if all goes well my room will look different tonight. I had to move 'Tortie; our red neck Bahamiam turtle to the other room, but he will get good care whereever he goes. He is so cute. When I pick him up, his little feet thrash about trying to get loose and little does he know he would be in deep trouble if he got loose because he could not survive inthe wild. He is use to the warm beach of the Bahamium. I have to keep a special light on him to keep his temperature regulated. By the way my kittens jump up on the table where he is and help themselves to his water, the only water he has, and they must love it. I guess 'Tortie' thinks they are silly cats. 'Tortie hisses at me when I pick him up. Anyway I also worked outside and took the thrift shop 5 more bags of clothes and stuff. That makes 20 bags. I am doing good.. Well, I gotta go and see if my pepsi is cold .

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I'm sure it looks very pretty. It always looks so lovely.

Torti is so cute. I love watching him eat his food. His big/little mouth opens up and jumps up to grab the food. It's so cute.

I will call you here in a few. You better answer me little girl!!!