Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wouln't it be nice to win the lottery

I very rarely play the lottery because I think it is a waste of money. However in any event that I should win millions, I would guess I would have a whole lot of new friends. They would probably come out of the woodwork. But let me see, just what would you do with millions? First, I would be in such disbelief it would take days to kick in and then I would probably be in some kind of dream world and not really believe it..Then later I would probably begin to think of spending or investing or both. After giving the kids a large amount and paying offmy bills I would prabably go lookin for a fancy vehicle, one no one else had ever bought, and a new home worth millions with acres and acres of flat well-landscaped property and a butler to go with it, and a maid and a chaueffeur. Of couse I would buy the kids one too and spoil them all. Then I would begin my giving. I would remember the people that had helped me through life and give to them. Then the poorest people I could think of would now be smilin for I would give generously to them and to a few really good churches.After I went on vacation, with my own summer resort, I would come home,to my new fancy home all tan and wearing diamonds and riding my chauffered new rare one of a kind vehicle. I haven't figured out which one yet..................I would have a large skate park built for my grandson and all his friends. I would buy all the grandchildren whatever they ask for and then sit back and put my feetup and start trying to become someone I really wasn't. I have never had a lot of money to throw so I would be like a kid at Christmas. They say large amounts of money never end up to any good and that the lottery is evil. Knowing this makes me a little wary. I sure don't want to become hexed. So I can dream on because me winning the lottery is about as real as finding a diamond in a fish or a cat with a cow's head...But it would be fun as long as it lasts and the way money goes here it wouldn't last very long..I like to shop quite a lot..........Now back to earth and the real world my new puppy, Avery, is ruling the house. He chews upmy shoes, pulls my hair, licks me in the teeth and climbs upon my head and sits there. He thinks he is the king. I spank him sometimes and he still nips at me. He has a very bad behavorial problem, and he does not always use his puppy pads, instead he tears them apart and carries the shreds all over. He tries to pull my 'Lincoln" around by his beard. Lincoln is a huge laso alphso and he will not hurt Avery. Lincoln climbs up in my lap when I am on the computer to get away from little mean tail. I took Avery out in the car last night and he loved it and did not get sick. Lincoln gets car-sick and cannot travel..I think Lincoln has been a bad boy because my only kitten that sleeps on the porch was found dead and I bet Lincoln mauled it because he hated cats..But dogs are dogs and I still love Lincoln. Oh well, outside the wind is blowing. We are expecting some wind gusts up to 60 mph My garbage cans will leave home at this time and be at someone else's house oe get busted by these big mack trucks that fly by here. As long as we don't get blown away I guess I can stand the wind................hope you can win the lottery if you play. I get happy just seeing someone else win.even if I can't.....Have a good one.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I wanna win the lottery too!
Yah! We can all win the lotto and ..... then what? lol

Call me okay?!

Bye & Love you!
