Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I am Uncluttering

Sometimes a person has so many things they do not really know what they have. Well, I am in the process of getting rid of a lot of stuff. I am giving to Goodwill and good riddence to it. I am tired of being a slave to cleaning all this stuff and harboring it up so someone else can enjoy it maybe. Theres clothes, whatnots, toys, bedclothes jewelry, and you name it, its there. One man's trash is another man's treasury. I will feel so much better once this stuff is out of here and I am going to be careful what I buy so I won't get crowded up again. The kids have a surplus of stuff too so it ends up here too. It would have made for a very good sale, but I'm not planning on getting out in that heat for any amount of money. So to unclutter is good. Try it........................the adventerous Irene

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