Friday, May 15, 2009

Nevaeh Got Dog Bitten By Lincoln

I was on the computer and heard a car pull up and someone close a door. I've been expecting some laborers to come and estimate some cost for repairing. I waited for their knock-at this point the dogs were not barking. Then the door opened wide and Gina and Nevaeh came in. I said hi to my baby girl whom proceeded to me. Well, Lincoln started toward her very quickly and grabbed her legs and wouldnt let go. I quickly got him after Nevaeh was screaming bloody murder. That scared me and Gina when her foot began to bleed and drip. She immediately wrapped it and I ran with her and drove her van to the hospital. Nevaeh was terrified. A few times before Lincolln had bit at Caleb, Kade and Cameron but no like this. Lincoln's prior owner had a daughter whom pestered Lincoln to the point of biting her and she ddid it for a joke/ Well anyway Nevaeh cooperated with the nurses. We put her in a wheelchair and she loved. The bleeding stopped. Nevaeh got an ID bracelet and ask for a cute one but got daffy duck. At E.R. she was seen and got a shot and an antibiotic. No stitches for fear of infection.later. Now she is fine but sore and has a bandaged foot. I am one to spring into action when needed and I think my adrealine rush would impel me to run with a kid on my back all the way to E.R. lol.......forbid that to happen..Ok all is well now and I shall ground Lincoln and keep him under wrap-when Gina comes over he will not bite again. Actually I did't know he would do this. One never knooooows what an animal may do....Catch you later readers. Remember Irene loves and so does our Lord Jesus

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