Sunday, April 12, 2009

Memories Of Easter With Poppy

We had planned far ahead for Easter. We had materials picked out and our dresses were made by the end of February. I remember mine was white with yellow daisies splashed all over and a big yellow sash. I also has a lovely hat with daisies covering the top, and yellow lacey socks and white patent leather shoes. Poppy said I was as pretty as the flowers blooming around the well. My sister loved violets. They were blooming with the dandelions all over the hill so she chose material with violets all over and a hat with violets .Purple was her favorite color and her long brown hair lay in ringlets that she tied a string of violets around.My hair being sandy colored looked just like my Poppy's when his hair was freshly washed. Working in the mines had faded the color in his hair. We arose on Easter morning to the sun shining through my curtains and I could hear Jake, our big white rooster crowing. I could have sworn he was saying 'happy easter. Jake had a big red cone and long tail feathers and he walked spritely accross the barnyard with a quick eye. I did not know there was an (easter bunny). We didn't ever know ofone. The only bunny we had was a brown bunny Poppy caught forus and put in a cage. We had little baby bunnies hopping around the yard every Easter.....Poppy taughtus the realmeaning of Easter, that Jesus arose from his burialand went back to Heaven to be with his Heavenly Father. By 10 o'clock Poppy was all ready to walk us to church. Hand and hand we frolicked down the winding road, not Poppy though, he walked slowly, carrying his Bible and whistling a song as we passed our neighbors. Old man Barnes was sitting on his porch smoking a pipe and waving to us. I told him "Happy Easter", but he was hard of hearing and gave a big grin, though toothless I thought he looked distinguished with his silver hair and long beard. The suit my Poppy wore was dark grey and he fit it good except the legs were a little short. He wore a hat, that he took off as we entered the church door. The church bells were ringing so loud I'll bet the people in the next hollow could hear them. I wanted to ring those bells but I was not strong enough. Preacher Wilson gave us a wonderful story of the ressurection and I so wished I could have been there when the stone was rolled away and Jesus appeared. That story would make the hair raise on your head as it was so miracleous to comphrend. Poppy sang loudly and we joined in. I could hear myself over everyone and I often wondered what would I do if everyone stopped singing and I was the only one singing. I would have hidden under the seats. I gave my offering of 7 cents. I had saved it for awhile after Poppy gave it to me after he sold some es. As we left and shook hands, we all walked proudly back up the winding road, taking off our shoes and had a race to see who could get to the house first. I lost, but only because I fell over a stump and ripped my beautiful dress. Inside Poppy had boiled 4 dozen eggs earlier. We began coloring them and they were so pretty. I fixed the "Lucky Egg'. We all went way up on the hill to picnic. Poppy carried me over the creek as the rocks were slick and I was afraid of the crawdads swimming around the rocks. We took turns hunting and hiding eggs. Poppy sat on a big rock that overlooked our homeplace. There was a contentment on his face. When we were happy, our Poppy was happy too. We had packed fresh-ham on baked bread and strawberry jam. We got water from a running brooke as we cupped our hands together. We all gave thanks to our Lord for the food and the lovely day. I knew he was present with us upon that hill as the wind blew softly as whispers in the breeze. It began to sprinke a little rain as we started down the hill , our tummies full and our hearts full of Easter happiness. Every Easter was celebrated the same way and as Poppy got older he just walked a little slower down that winding road to church. Evening came and we watched the sun fade behind the clouds and Poppy sat in his big old rocker. I climbed up in his lap and snuggled closely as he rocked me to sleep, singing softly.

1 comment:

Crystal said...


Again, I don't know why these stories make me sad for Poppy.
When he said the girls were as pretty as the flowers around the well just about done me in.

And when poppy walked slower as years passed up that same winding road to church gave me a tear!

I love these stories.