Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Daffodils Are Peeping Out

I spied some little daffodils peeping their little heads out today....Burr..burr..Do they not get chilled in the cold cold wind? I think I actually heard frogs hollering in a distance. That tells me that spring is right around the corner. I usually have an array of spring flowers, tulips, crocus, daffodils and later my rhododendrem, lilac bush and honeysuckle will begin to bloom. I planted one sprig of honeysuckle and now it has tried to take over. I have several vines growing on the fence and English ivy has covered our mountainside. I have a pink dogwood, a white one and mimosa plus an apple tree.I want to buy a butterfly bush. My neighbor has one and hundreds of beautiful butterflies are always flying around. I love flowers of all kinds, impatience, marigolds, zennias, morningglories, creeping flox, tulip bushes and the wild variety. I use to have sunflowers that grew up to 8 feet high. I need to try them again. I prefer periennals because they come up every year but some have to be planted. I usually have elephant ears that grow gigantic. For years they would multiply and I had dozens of bulbs, and then they ran their course. I recently bought some more. I usually get lots of compliments on these as thry tend to do well for me, some 7 feet high and a span of 2 or 3 feet on the leaves. I also like petunias, petunias, petunias...every color, hanging on the porch, fence or any where I can put a bunch. I would actually love a garden for food but the property we own is in another county and our place here in the city is limited. I love cucumbers, banana peppers, tomatoes and onions.My hubby has a green thumb and can grow anything...I sometimes wish I lived on a big farm with a cow, a horse and a hog.Though I would never eat anything I had to feed and look it in the eye everyday. My hubby thinks I am a nut, butI can eat only what someone else processes.Are you that way too? If I had a farm I would like being like the Engles on "Little House On The Prairie" know wear those amish dresses and sleep by candlelight and milk the cows. Oh well, I do not see that happening. In the meantime I say "Hats off to the farmers of America" Without them we would all starve. They do work by the sweat of their brow, and we get to take it off the store shelves...America is solely dependent on them. Now back to the subject of an approaching spring, I still am sitting here chilling as I type. We will still have snow flurries and cold winds. But I am beginning to sort through the winter stuff and sent a load to Goodwill. I need nothing for summer as I got in on all the sales last year. I have a lot of beautiful summer clothes and sandles.I still paln to have a yard sale very soon. I must declutter so I can be free of anything I do not use. I seem to stay the same size so I guess I am lucky that everything fits. Seems like I can o on a starvation diet for a month and not lose a pound or I can eat like a pig and not gain a pound so I guess I am where I shall stay. Nice chatting with you. Though this a one-sided conversation I am sure some of you kinda feel the way I do about some things...Hope you stay well, safe and happy. Rememeber to thank the Lord for each day..Remember all good things come from him...........Irene

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