Friday, January 23, 2009

I have seen the ocean

It has been a while but I visited the ocean and Myrtle Beach. We rented an efficiency apartment, the Montego Inn. It wasa very windy week and when we opened the front door all of the curtains blew out on the back patio. At late evenin the waves lappedup on the shore and retaining walls and all night I listened to the waves, sometimes reaching 20 ft. or more. In the morning the sun was up and the ocean was quiet and the beach reached out very far and the waves moved slowly and moved over my feet. The sea gulls shrieked and flew about hunting fish and shells were everywhere on the sandy beach..As I looked far out unto the ocean line, it was hard for me to comphrend such vastness. How far it actually went and I could only see the sunset AND the ocean's line. It was almost like"where is the ocean?'
" You can only see so far. I would like to take a cruise next time. We got a lovely tan and we cooked in the little apartment. We shoppedat a local grocery store and we visited Ripleys and many restaurants. The bar was opened alnite. I did not go there but Tommy did. All in all I prefer our mountains, but I loved the visit and want to go again soon. There are so many beautiful places that I have not seen, but I have seen the ocean and it was very beautiful. ..... ..............................................................................

1 comment:

Irene said...

That sounds so pretty.
I MUST see the ocean some day too.
Why don't we plan to go this summer? NOTHING is holding us back, Let's do it!
Let's plan a vacation this summer to the beach? Want to?

By The Way, How do you like your new background? I thought the black/pink & blue were so pretty together.

Call me!
I love you!