Monday, October 27, 2008

It is getting cold

I am in the processof putting away summer clothes. I have many winter sweaters, coats, scarves, and winter shoes.I always think ahead of the season and buy . The wind is nippy and the leaves are everywhere here.I have gathered flower seeds and brought in some of the still bloomin flowers. In the meantime my Lincoln and I, that is my beautiful,big ball of fluff, lasa alphso, are getting along suberbly as he is so obedient it astonishes me. I have never owned a dog this smart. The prior owner had told me this already and it is true.He sleeps at the foot of my bed and tells me when he needs to go outside. He still has a "Cat" issue but he is dealing with it. Everytime our cats walk by him he goes into a wild goose chase and the cats jump upon the top of cabinets, or under anything they can get under that he can"t crawl under. As long as thecats don't run hewill let them go by him. My daughter got a new cat yesterday, and her other cats are real snobby toward him. My other daughter has adopted a new dog named Buddy, and the neighbors, two of them, we think, have tried to poison him.They are animal haters.He was very sick and kids cried and cried about him. One good neighbor treated him very nice.We are animal lovers. In the meantime at my grandson's school, trouble is brewing..I won't say what but someone there is in a heap of trouble. They are senseless and heartless down there. I amthinking of receipes for Thanksgiving dinner, but I pretty well fix the same menu because we all agree. My car taxes will soon be due and I owe a bundle...I have already thought of Christmas and wonder where I have put all my stuff. I hope I did'nt throw it away.I think it may flurry tomorrow and become colder. It seems we are never satisfied with any weather, too hot or too cold....I must vacate this blog as I must cook dinner....Nice talking to you.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

It is so cold out today. I could have swore that I saw a snow flurry out yesterday. Maybe it was ashe from a coal truck though. hahah.

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