Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Missed All Of You

I have had the mini-flu and boy did this bug give me a punch. I first took a sore throat, on one side only, then I was hot and weak and then my nose stopped up. I mean my nose was completely pluged off, I had no nose. I slept off and on even in the day time and felt so weak. Then those symptoms subsided and the dreaded :cough: started., cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough,..Excuse me, I have to go cough...I am better now. Where in the world did this virus come from? Heaven knows, but I am just glad it is leaving . N Now, on a lighter note, I am enjoying a new kitchen, thanks to my son, Lowe"s, and the good Lord above. It is very up-dated and modern. Everything is new and the floor is so beautiful. I needed it fixed up for a while, but my son was too booked up. So he knows he is the best carpenter in the world, in fact there is nothing he can't do. I am proud of him as he has also built my porch, created a beautiful pond outside, built a nice bi chain-link fenced lot for all our doggies, whom are Taz, Tuffy, Manson and Fiesty. Also our adjoining home has been landscaped by my son. He put a new roof on that house and he also built a mini-patio outside here. He is just like his dad in that he seems to have all this know-how build in ..He is my handsome one and only.. In the meantime I am allowing my other son-grandson to go in to town with his friends, and I tell him to please continue to be a good boy. The city police do not allow skateboards in town and these boys want to make their own rules. I see both sides of it but the law abides and the big hand of the law rules. He isa good boy. He just has that teenage energy to burn and loves the outdoors. He has some nice friends, and I just hope he is not being manipulated by anyone. He is totally against smoking, drugs and drinking. His step-dad is working with him to keep him straight because he, himself has been there, done that........In the meantime "my lasa alopsho and I are having a good ole time. He sleeps by my feet everynight and he obeys me, is completely housebroken and is a love muffin. I am giving a bubble bath today and I will brush his hair vigorously, as he tends to get his hair tangled easily. I actually am in love with this dog. The lady who gave him to me told me he was a good boy and she was absolutely right. I love, love, love, love , love, love him. His big round black nose and his underbite drives me nuts. I just want to squeeze him........but he still has this :CAT" issue. I honestly think he would chase my cats from here to Timbucktoo. I actually think he would tear off their heads. What am I to do? I have to keep him ona leach most of the time because I do love all my cats. My big love muffin, "Lincoln, :Link:for short is the ruler of the roost and he lets the cats know this. Though occasionaly he will let them eat out of his food bowl, if he is too sleepy to give a chase. Once my little kitten "Batsy", given this name because she looks like a bat, lay down quietly beside of Link and slept a few minutes before he awakened . At our civic center I saw where Willie Nelson is coming to our town soon. I would love to meet him, and I love to hear him sing..Maybe I can find me a buddy to go with me as my hubby does not care to go. I have a couple of daughters who share the things I do so maybe we will go. Well I gotta go, as it is time to get the Taurus warmed up and on the road to school.........it is nice to feel better. I thank my Lord for this and everything as all good things come from him..Have a nice Tuesday, October 14th 2008...


Gina said...

Glad your back. I think you should start brushing Links hair straight down on each side so that it will grow out like a big long skirt. I always have LOVED dogs that looked like that.

Crystal said...

yah! You're back in blog world again! I missed ya!

I agree, that cold/virus/bronchitis/flu/anthrax was horrible! I am glad you are feeling better from it. I am feeling much better also. Luckily ***KNOCK ON WOOD*** I didn't get it in my chest. It attacked my nose/sinuses, fever, head ache and throat.

I will call you tomorrow!