Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Losing A Pet

Throughout the years I have lost many pets. Some have gotten killed by cars, some have passed due to sickness and some from just old age. No matter what though I really was saddened. To me when you take on the responsibility of a pet , it becomes as a family member. We have buried many and still have a stone there and I remember all of them. Some were cats, some dogs, some rabbits, fish and hamsters. I guess you can see I am a pet lover and have been since a child. However as a child I wasn't allowed to actually get very chummy with a pet. We never had a cat and had one dog named Trigger whom was our watchdog. My brother, the oldest, loved dogs and when our Mom was gone , he would gather up all the neighborhood dogs and put them in his room. When Mom came home his little hide was on the fence, she was mad. I had a little dog that took up with me and the neighbor couldn't keep him home so I adopted him when I could catch him. I named him "sporty". One day tho sporty got hit by a car, only moments before he had come to me to be fed. My heart was broken. It would be lots later that I would have my very own dog again. My first dog was named "Frosty. Well just wanted to fill you in on some of my thoughts. I am a dog lover and now am bonded to a lasa alphso and a lil minature hound. They are my shadows........Have a nice day ...Love you in Christ

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I just got in from feeding Kia and playing with her. When I feel better I want to give her a good soapy bath and hair brush.

I miss my baby Braydon so very, very bad. I go out to his memorial garden sometimes and pet the ground and cry. He was only in my life for 4 very short months, but he made me so happy. I fell in love with Kia, but I fell MADLY, DEEPLY in love with Braydon. I had never felt such instant love for an animal like that. I remember the sunny autumn day I pulled into your driveway. You held the most beautiful little dog I have ever seen. You handed him to me to hold. He layed his super silky, soft head on my shouldar. HIs warm belly felt so soft. He looked into my eyes with those big, sad, brown eyes and I fell DEEPLY in love with him. I went home and called you right away and crossed my fingers and toes that you would allow me to have him for my own. And you did!! When I went to your house to get him, it was like going to the hospital and picking up your newborn baby. I was SOOOO excited to have my sweet, soft little man join me.

I taught him how to howl.. It was so cute. I would howl and he would howl back. He had trouble walking and I remember one evening I got him to walk all the way to Austin & Chase's house with me. He even ran!! He was also so, so, so smart. We'd put a blanket in the floor and he knew not to leave off of the blanket. He'd stay on the blanket and play and bark and howl and act so fiesty and cute.

And then I remember handing him to Trevez for you two to take him to the doctor. I told Braydon he would be ok. I held him and kissed him and told him that he would be right back with his mommy very soon. And that promise I made to him didn't happen... He didn't get to come back home to his momma.. I didn't get to teach him to howl louder and run faster. I promised him that we'd play in the yard this summer and chase butterflies and run amoungst the flowers. I didn't get the chance to do any of those things with him. Instead he was taken from me. I never got to tell him good bye.

I'm actually crying as I type this. I wish I could have got to play with him in the thick lushes grass and watch him chase butterflies and play. Just 1 time. Just one day. I wish I could have held him longer, kissed him more and got to tell him how much I loved him and got to have told him good bye.

Now he is at rest with sweet little Shayla in the garden. I'm going to get them some new flowers to put out there today. I miss them both so much.

Love your fur-babies while you have them. You never know when they will be taken away from you.