Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Day

The weather here is overcast and we are expecting rain. My son has called from school. He has a fever. His Papaw has gone to pick him up. My grandson came by to visit and he and I had a very nice day. He fed the pets.Today has been a lazy day and I have been a couch potato. I will start dinner soon and my 14 year old will not be eating whats on the menu. He is a picky fellow so he will get what he wants,as usual.

He had football practice but will not be there today. He loves football,skateboarding,xbox,movies and the girls.He is tall,and very athletic.

I will try to update with pictures soon. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Crystal said...

Mom I am so glad that you have a blog now! I hope that you enjoy it and find yourself updating it daily! I will enjoy reading your posts.

Sounds like you had a day juat about like mine. I wish it would come a big nice rain.

Drop by my page when you can! Don't forget to leave me a comment!

Love Ya,

Irene said...

Crystal are you lovin your beautiful couch set? I will be looking foward to putting pics on my blog,with your help. I have had nice comments after several have viewed it.I am watching the Democratic Convention. Earlier I had watched every day of the olymics.Hillary Clinton is getting ready to speak. Back to the TV. Good night.Love you sweetie, and John and the boys.

Irene said...

Crystal morning came too quickly. That dreaded clock went off too soon.It is raining outside and my flowers are lovin it. Well I am going to make my coffee sweetie. I always start my day thanking my sweet Jesus for waking me up to behold another day he has given all of us...........Mom

Irene said...

Crystal,Are you up?????????????????????????????????Everyone here is still getting their Zs...Zs...Zs...Zs...Zs.............I've got it made now. When you can't answer your phone I can pick atcha on here......................My coffe is smelling good...gotta go get cafinated..........love you...mom

Crystal said...

Mom! I bet your coffee is yummy! Caleb is just now going out to the bus stop. Cameron is still asleep and John is sitting here.

Are you going to post a new blog entry? Remember to go to www.blogger.com and signin with your user name and password, hit signin and the next page hit "Post." or new post.

Yeahh!!! You are an onliner now mom! Aren't you so proud! You are such a fast learner. Welcome to the online world! =)